South West Oxford Council has opted in, when it comes to legal cannabis retail.
SWOX- Legal Cannabis retail stores will be allowed in South West Oxford.
Council elected to not opt out of the Cannabis retail earlier this week. Mayor David Mayberry says they don't expect a lot of retail shops will want to operate in the Township.
"The opportunity or the business case for having a store in South West Oxford is pretty limited, so I'm not sure that there was much of a danger of it happening anyway's but I think our council is saying if this is what our Government is saying is the law of the land, then I guess we want to obey it."
Mayberry says they will also be making sure their are regulations in place so you can't just open up a store anywhere in the Township.
"We will be bringing out a policy in the New Year, that looks at, is there any locations where we want to put parameters on where they can set up shop, obviously we don't want them around schools or anywhere like that."
Every Township in Ontario has until the end of January to decide if they want to allow Cannabis retail stores in their area.
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