Green candidate Mike Farlow issues a challenge to the other local provincial candidates
WOODSTOCK - Local Green Party Candidate Mike Farlow is putting his money where his mouth is.
Farlow has issued a challenge to the other provincial candidates and is even putting up $100 if he cannot deliver.
"It's a challenge to each candidate to promise to have their party leader publicly state as to whether they will stop this dump and that they will have an answer from their party leaders before Monday's debate."
"I put $100 on the table and said if I don't produce that document Monday night, I will put $100 to charity and I have challenged them to do that as well. The thinking is, you can say you're against this dump but if your party leader doesn't support you, it's just conversation."
"We all know the way politics work. If your leader doesn't want you to do something, then it doesn't happen. We need a commitment from the party leaders, then we know that that party is saying we are going to stop this dump."
The letters are expected to be presented at the Oxford People Against the Landfill all candidates meeting Monday evening.
He says a declaration by email is good enough to meet the requirements of the challenge.
Farlow says any money raised can go to the local charity of that candidate's choosing.
No word if the other candidates plan to take Farlow up on the challenge.
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