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Checking in With Woodingford Lodge

Woodingford Lodge Director Mark Dager talks about testing staff and patients, enhanced cleaning measures and the phenomenal work staff are doing every day to try and put a smile on the faces of residents.

OXFORD COUNTY - The three Woodingford Lodge locations in Oxford County are taking COVID-19 very seriously. 

We have not an outbreak or a confirmed case at any of our long term care homes in Oxford County. Administrator and Director at Woodingford Mark Dager says they are being very proactive. 

"We are looking at swabbing and have swabbed to date all of our residents that reside at all three campuses of Woodingford Lodge and right now we have completed swabbing of all of our staff members at Woodingford Lodge. That process right now is a very proactive process to make sure we are in alignment with the direction from our Medical Director, Dr. Barry Roth." 

Dager also wanted to commend his staff who are going above and beyond right now.

"I am honoured every day to come to work at Woodingford Lodge to work alongside a great group of individuals. All of our staff, PSW, Dietary, Kitchen, Housekeeping, Nursing Team and Maintenance all do a phenomenal job. Each and every one of them have, as we all do, that uncertainty in their mind about what COVID-19 is doing to us globally but it is remarkable to see a team of individuals come into work every day and put a smile on the faces of our residents. Being able to put away their fears and uncertainties to be able to provide an uplifting day to our residents. They go above and beyond, I cannot begin to put words to it for sure, it's remarkable, it's heartfelt and I am honoured to work with them." 

Check out the full interview with Mark Dager where he talks about the following.

- The testing of residents and staff.
- Enhanced cleaning and other measures to prevent COVID-19 from coming into the homes.
- How staff are doing and the remarkable work they are doing every day. 
- I also shared a note with him from a listener who wanted to commend their staff for how they handled her mothers passing last week. 


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