Brant OPP are now accepting applications for their Citizen Police Academy.
COUNTY OF BRANT - Brant OPP are excited to introduce a New Citizen Police academy.
This is a great opportunity for people to learn more about the work OPP do in the community.
The academy will feature 8 classes with many presentations and demonstrations focused around the K-9 unit, emergency response, recruitment, traffic collision investigation/reconstruction, community mobilization strategies, community partners, media relations and drug recognition evaluation for impaired driving and more.
Detachment Commander Acting Inspector, Jim Millson says the students in the academy will have a taste of what it's like to be an officer.
"We are glad to offer this unique opportunity for the residents of the County of Brant to learn more about what their police officers do in the community every day. The OPP Citizens Police Academy is a great way for those interested to come out and see policing up close and personal, and an especially good opportunity for those who may also be interested in policing as a career."
The classes will be between 7pm and 9pm on Tuesdays starting on April 3rd. There will be a graduation ceremony at the end of the program.
OPP are accepting resumes with an attached cover letter explaining why you want to take part in the academy. They must be handed in at their Paris detachment (28 Mechanic Street) before March 23rd.
All applicants are required to show photo identification and must be successful in a security clearance check to be considered further.
The chosen candidates will be notified before March 30.
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