The City of Woodstock Public Works Department have modified the summer operation hours at the Enviro Depot to accommodate the overwhelming demand.
WOODSTOCK - The City of Woodstock Public Works Department have modified the summer operation hours at the Enviro Depot to accommodate the current demand.
The revisions will be in effect starting Wednesday, April 15. Drop-offs will be by reservation only. To make a reservation call: 519 539 2382 Extensions 3102, 3104, 3181.
Here is the full statement from the City:
Available reservation time slots will be on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays between 10:00am to 6:00pm. Reservations will not be accepted via phone message.
For the safety of our workers and those that utilize the Enviro Depot, we please ask that you visit the self-assessment guidelines from Public Health Ontario found on this link: https://covid-19.ontario.ca/self-assessment/#q0
You will be asked these questions when making your appointment.
Electronics, EPS (Styrofoam), Hazardous waste, Tires and White goods (appliances including Freon) will not be accepted at the Depot at this time.
The Clarke St. Recycling Depot will continue to be closed until further notice.
We appreciate your understanding and patience during this challenging time and will continue to provide City services to the best of our ability in accordance to Provincial and Federal guidelines and recommendations.
Please continue to monitor www.cityofwoodstock.ca/covid-19 and social media platforms for additional information and updates.
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