Individuals and groups throughout the county have been hosting Coffee Breaks in order to raise funds for the Alzheimer Society of Oxford.
OXFORD COUNTY - People in the county can still host a Coffee Break in order to raise money for the Alzheimer Society of Oxford.
Hosting a coffee break can be as simple as inviting some friends over, making a pot of coffee and putting out a donation box. In some cases people have even hosted coffee breaks with a theme.
Executive Director Shelley Green tells Heart FM the possibilities are endless.
"Coffee Break can be anything that you want it to be; it can happen anywhere, anytime. It's just fun and it's really just a social with an excuse, it's a social with a purpose and it's a great way to raise money for the Alzheimer Society."
Each host will be provided with a host kit, which can consist of Tim Hortons coffee packs, donation boxes, Coffee Break information posters and brochures.
Green tells Heart FM how much money has been raised so far this year.
"We've already brought in just over $31,000 so we're thrilled about that. We still have about 21 coffee breaks that are happening in our community that will be handed in over the next couple of months."
You can click here to register to host a coffee break. You can also contact Event Coordinator Sheena by calling 519-421-2466.
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