The Woodstock Police are reminding parents to talk to their kids about staying safe around big leaf piles left by the road for collection.
That big, colourful pile of leaves can seem really tempting to young people, but the Woodstock Police are reminding parents to be cautious.
As many people in the Friendly City rake their leaves out to the curb for collection, kids walking by might be compelled to jump in. Constable Nikki VanLeeuwen says parents need to have a talk with their children and remind them how dangerous that can be. "It's important for parents to know that they shouldn't be letting their kids play in the leaves that are raked to the curb. Leafs act like a camouflage so if kids are laying in them then you can't even tell they're in there and we don't want any kids to get hurt this fall from playing in leafs and then a car parks or hits them."
Having leaves on the roadway is dangerous to drivers as well. "People that are raking leaves shouldn't be putting them right on the road," says VanLeeuwen. "I actually found driving my tires slipped a little bit on the leafs on the roadway so drivers need to be aware an cognisant of that because it can pose a hazard. And for people who are raking leaves they need to be on your curb for pickup."
Even leaves piled up on front lawns can be dangerous. VanLeeuwen says kids might get swept up in the fall fun and jump in the piles without knowing what inside or underneath all those colourful leaves. "If people are raking leaves who knows if there's even sticks or something sharp in there, if someone has started them on fire to burn their leaves - which people shouldn't be doing - but if someone did then there's that part where someone could get hurt. So it's important not to use leaves as a play area or a toy."
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