Woodstock's Food Basics will be the host of Community Free Table's one year anniversary this weekend. It runs from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm.
WOODSTOCK - The Community Free Table is putting on a barbecue in honour of their one year anniversary.
Tomorrow's event is free and it will be at the local Food Basics.
Founder Chris Eby says the initiative started last September.
"It's been a huge story where we've had people actually that we've been able to get into rehab, a couple of them have come clean from drugs because of the Table just being loved and 99% of these people that come to the Table that's what they want. A smile, a handshake, just walking down the street giving them a smile that says 'hey, we love you. We want to help you.'"
Eby adds the initiative has seen businesses across the community help out as well.
He says the support from the community has been grown since it started.
"It makes me feel good. It makes me feel like the community is wanting to better themselves, the community wants to have a good sound, strong community. When we started we had 15, 20 people at the Table, now we're up to 65, 70 every week. We used to be able to get away with $25.00-$40.00 worth of food, not anymore now it's in the neighbourhood of $80.00 in an hour and a half and it's gone."
He says the Community Free Table gives people a chance to get together, talk with the volunteers and give a meal to those less fortunate.
Eby adds the food will be by donation only and there won't be a fixed fee.
The Woodstock Police and Woodstock Fire Department will also be on hand to show their vehicles to the kids, as well as talk to them.
It starts at 11:00 am and goes until 3:00 pm.
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