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Community Futures Oxford Honours Local Entrepreneurs

Community Futures Oxford announced this year's entrepreneur award winners during its AGM yesterday.

OXFORD COUNTY - The CEO of Udderly Ridiculous Farm Life has won the Members Choice Award for Entrepreneur of the Year from Community Futures Ontario.

The votes were cast across the province, and Cheryl Haskett was honoured during the Community Futures Oxford Annual General Meeting yesterday. Officials say she is an innovator in the goat dairy industry, which resulted in the launch of her award-winning Goat Milk Ice Cream.

Community Futures Oxford also announced its entrepreneur award winners during the AGM. Matthew Bannon of Macnab Transit Sales Corp won the Access the Capital Program Entrepreneur of the Year Award, while Kelsey Streef from Willow Grove Animal Wellness Centre won the Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award.

The Huron Park Secondary School Sustainability Project received the Community Economic Development Project of the Year Award. Over 300 students participated and they had to find ways to improve sustainability in the school and the local community. The winning students received funding to bring their projects to life.

Community Futures Oxford has disbursed $24,896,264 in loans and equity to 426 businesses over the years. It has also awarded 381 grants with a combined total of $1,359,408 since 1993.

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