Oxford County is hoping more residents will fill out the Community Well Being Survey.
Oxford County is asking everyone who received a community well being survey in the mail to fill them out.
Nearly 1200 residents were selected at random to fill out the survey that asks questions health, education, employment, leisure, sports and recreation experiences in the County. Warden David Mayberry says they will use the results from the survey to help them make future decisions.
"Were encouraging everybody because the more information we have the more accurate it is and we don't want to invest a lot of time and energy into one area, if in fact it is not a high priority for the community."
The survey is administered by the University of Waterloo and will help fulfill the Community goals of the Future Oxford Community Sustainability Plan.
"And it certainly is a series of questions that basically asks your sense of belonging, the sense of community that people feel, what you think is working well and what do you think is not working well."
So far only half of the Oxford County residents selected at random for the Community Well being survey have actually filled them out. If you did not receive a survey but would like to fill one out you can do so by calling Customer Service at 519-539-9800. The survey has been set up in a way that balances responses from every community in the County and they used Canada Post to help randomize the invitations to complete the survey.
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