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Construction Season has Started in Woodstock

Woodstock Transit is making a few changes to the routes as a couple of major constructions projects get started in Woodstock that will have a serious impact on traffic.

WOODSTOCK - Construction season is about to start in Woodstock and a couple of major projects this year are going to create some traffic nightmares.

Starting next week, the County will start construction at Highway 59 and Juliana Drive. Juliana Drive will be closed during construction from east of Norwich Avenue to the south entrance of the SmartCentres Woodstock plaza. A planned detour via Montclair Drive, east on Juliana Drive, will allow access to the plaza from the north entrance, manage traffic, transit, and afford continued access for emergency response vehicles.

Open file

Woodstock Transit is planning to change some of their routes because of the construction. 

Starting on Monday, the bus will now turn right on Montclair Drive from Juliana Drive and continue to the intersection of Montclair Drive and Norwich Avenue, left onto Norwich Avenue and then right onto Juliana Drive and back to regular route.

The Walmart Bus Stop on Juliana will be closed for the duration of the project. Two temporary stops will be added, one near the north entrance to the Walmart plaza on Montclair Drive and another on Juliana Drive at the Holiday Inn Express.

Starting today, the Woodstock Transit is also making changes to Route #2 because of construction at Dundas Street and Clarke Street intersections. This starts today and will take place for 6-8 weeks. 

The bus will now turn right on Clarke Street from James Street, loop back to the Clarke Street and James Street intersection, turn left onto James Street from Clarke Street, right onto Stafford Street and then right onto Dundas Street and continue east on Dundas Street, through the Dundas Street and Clarke Street intersection back to regular route.

The stop beside Giant Tiger on Clarke Street will be closed until construction is complete. No temporary stops have been added.

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