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Cooking Safely This Easter Weekend

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As you're preparing Easter dinner today, The Brant County Fire Department is providing safe cooking tips.

BRANT COUNTY -The Brant County Fire Department is offering some advice on safe, holiday cooking this long weekend.

The Fire Department says cooking fires are the number one cause of residential fires because most pots and pans are left unattended on the stove. 

Brant County Fire Prevention Officer Doug Kellam says if you must leave the kitchen, turn off the stove. Remember to drink responsibly when cooking and if a fire occurs, get out immediately and call 911.

Cooking safety tips include:

- Keep a proper-fitting pot lid near the stove when cooking. If a pot catches fire, slide the lid over the pot and turn off the stove. Do not move the pan.

- Wear tight-fitting or rolled up sleeves when using the stove. Loose, dangling clothing can easily catch fire. If your clothing catches fire, stop, drop to the ground and roll over and over to put out the fire.

- Keep combustible items such as cooking utensils, dishcloths, paper towels and pot holders a safe distance from the stove.

- Keep children away from the stove. Make sure electrical cords are not dangling from countertops, where they could be pulled over by small children.

- Cool a burn by running cool water over the wound for three to five minutes. If the burn is severe, seek medical attention.

If you have any questions about fire safety, please contact Doug Kellam, Fire Prevention Officer at the County of Brant Fire Department at 519.442.4500 and doug.kellam@brant.ca.  

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