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Coping with Stress During COVID-19

Christine Harvey with Pathstone Mental Health has a few tips for families coping with stress during the second wave of the pandemic.

It's no wonder that everyone is feeling more stressed out these days, as the pandemic wears on. 

We spoke to Christine Harvey, a Family and Child Therapist at Pathstone Mental Health, about the mental impact the pandemic is having on kids. 

She says that kids are definitely feeling stressed out these days, not only due to the change in their routines, but also due to isolation from their friends and family members. 

Harvey indicated that there are many warning signs parents should watch out for that indicate a child's stress levels. This especially includes changes in behavior. 

"Your kid that used to want to watch TV and wanting to connect with you now wants to chill in their bedroom, or your kiddo who used to be able to handle the word no pretty okay is now screaming and yelling and arguing with you about everything, those are signs to connect with somebody."

She also says that kids can pick up when parents are stressed out, and she advises parents to show kids how to handle their own stress by practicing some self-care. 

"We encourage parents to find small lulls in their day where they can do something for themselves, whether it be light some candles, read a book, have a hot bath."

Parents and kids who find themselves needing emotional assistance can reach out to Pathstone Mental Health by calling 1-800-263-4944. 

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