Two six-plex unit applications for Canterbury Street and George Street were approved by City Council
WOODSTOCK - Woodstock City Council approved two applications to build two six-plex units on Canterbury Street and George Street, despite concerns from residents.
The area currently has a high density designation that would allow for the construction of multi-unit residences. Several residents came to City Council with concerns. City Planner for the County of Oxford Ron Versteegen explained some of the concerns, "The neighbours had a various number of concerns: impact from a parking standpoint, compatibility with the area, and they felt these developments were too dense for the area."
When it came to the potential impact on street parking as a result of an increased number of occupants in the area Versteegen felt the site plan from the developer represented a compromise between existing residents and the developer. Versteegen attempted to further assuage neighbours' concerns regarding privacy from the six-plexes: "Privacy fencing would be required as part of the site plan process along with landscaping, and that's again to try and buffer the development from that as far as privacy impacts - to minimize that to a greater degree."
Developer James Neely expressed an interest to work with the neighbours. Neely also stated he intends to target seniors as occupants of the future six-plexes.
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