County Council is expected to pass a bylaw soon allowing them to send out billing for a water main installed in 2008 near Toyota in Woodstock.
WOODSTOCK - Oxford County Council is expected to pass a bylaw at their next meeting which will allow staff to send bills to residents and businesses near Woodstock's Toyota Plant.
Back in 2008, a new water main was installed which cost the county $4.1 million. Now it's looking like those who benefit from the water main will have to help pay for it.
Warden David Mayberry tells Heart FM how much is owed.
"It will be somewhere just under $10,000 for kind of a residential equivalent. So if you are 2 or 3 residential equivalents then your bill might be $20,000 or $30,000."
Mayberry explains some of the payment options for payment.
"The first one is you can just pay it when you get the bill and so there will be those who'll just say I can afford to pay it right now I want to do it. The other one is we can put in on your taxes for either 5 or 10 years so you can pay it off over a period of time."
The third option is to request a 3 year deferral, if you can provide proof of economic hard ship or justify a reason.
Mayberry adds these bills will likely come out sometime in the next month to 6 weeks once the bylaw is passed.
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