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County Receives Close to 600 Responses for 2022 Budget Survey

Close to 600 people participated in the 2022 budget survey for Oxford County and all of the feedback will be considered during the upcoming budget deliberations this November.

OXFORD COUNTY - Oxford County Council took a first look at the 2022 budget survey results last week.

The online survey had over 900 comments and suggestions this year through 596 responses. Warden Larry Martin says they will use this feedback when they start budget deliberations in November. 

"Various comments about garbage and roads, it is the entire gambit of what we do, but we do read them and we do take them into consideration as we go into our budget deliberations."

Most people felt that each of the County’s services should be maintained at current levels or improved, and 74.7% said they think they receive fair or good value for their tax dollars. Martin says the comments provided a good range of how people are feeling.

"The comments on there range everywhere from you are doing a good job, keep up the good work, to the very other end of the scale, which I won't talk about and everything in between. It gives a good indication of the direction the public wants us to head in." 

Feedback from the survey is shared with County departments and County Council for consideration leading into the business planning and budget process. Special budget meetings take place on November 17th and 24th, with the final proposed budget before Council for approval on December 8th.

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