Amazingly nobody was seriously injured after 31 collisions in 2 days in Perth County.
Snow squalls, fog and freezing rain made for some treacherous driving conditions this weekend.
Over in Perth County, OPP responded to 31 collisions from Friday night to Monday morning. Seven of them happened on Friday and Saturday while a nasty fog caused visibility concerns. Police note in most of the collisions people were either driving too fast, making U turns, having improper or no lights or passing when the visibility was poor.
One of the crashes happened on the round about on Hwy 7 from Oxford Road 19 early Saturday morning when a delivery truck driver entered the round about a high rate of speed. The driver was not injured, however he was charged with careless driving.
Amazingly of the 31 collisions no serious injuries were reported.
The Perth County OPP wants to remind motorists that although they cannot control the road or weather conditions, they can control the vehicle they are driving. Electronic traction control, all-wheel drive and snow tires will all help to maintain control of your vehicle, but the safest way to drive in winter is to reduce your speed. Remember that an ordinary driver reacts to the changing road and weather conditions, while a good driver anticipates problems before they occur. Slow down, stay alert, stay in control and arrive safely at your destination.
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