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Crime Prevention Tips

Perth County OPP have responded to an alarming amount of break ins to vehicles, homes and sheds recently.

Perth County OPP are preaching Crime Prevention after noticing a spike in property crime. 

Several of the calls have involved unlocked, garages, homes, sheds and vehicles. Some of the stolen cars even had left their keys inside. Police are reminding residents that theft is a crime of opportunity. Suspects are looking for the easiest targets and will take full advantage of unlocked items and vehicles which have valuables in clear view. 

Police have released the following crime prevention tips:

- Always roll up your vehicle's windows
- Lock the doors and pocket the keys when you park your vehicle. 
- Always park your vehicle in a well-lit area.
- If you have a garage, use it and lock the garage door as well as your vehicle.
- Never leave your vehicle unattended while it is running
- Never leave valuable objects or packages in full view.  
- Watch out for suspicious people or activity in your neighbourhood. 

Police are also reminding you to always lock your home, vehicle and shed. Leave the outside lights on whenever possible during the evening and when you are out shopping, lock all of your purchases in the trunk.

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