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Dave Mackenzie Voices His Opinions

Dave Mackenzie, Conservative MP (stock photo)

Inappropriate and insulting - those are the words Conservative Oxford MP Dave MacKenzie used to describe the Prime Minister's comments to a veteran in Edmonton.

OXFORD COUNTY - Oxford's Conservative MP is putting his two cents in, regarding a comment from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to a veteran at an Edmonton town hall.

Earlier this week Trudeau said the government is fighting veterans groups in court because they are asking for - quote - "more than we are able to give right now."

Dave MacKenzie believes this statement was inappropriate and insulting.

"When the man stood in front of him and tells him we don't have enough money and at the same time, everybody in Canada knows how much money he had for Omar Khadr and others alike. To tell that veteran who has given part of his body and was prepared to give his life that we don't have money for you, it just doesn't make sense."

Of course, the Liberal response to this would be they have done more for veterans than the Conservatives did while they were in power.

This is MacKenzie's rebuttal to that comment.

"Well it's kind of a funny thing when they start talking about that and when they get into some of the areas, those things haven't occurred that they're talking about. We did do a lot of stuff for veterans, could we have done more? Sure it's like any other body that there's indebtedness to, we could always have done more. When they start talking about opening offices, we put people in every Service Canada office so it kind of has a hollow ring to it."

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