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Delightful Surprise for United Way

When the United Way of Oxford arrived at the Quality Hotel & Suites Thursday night to announce their 2011 campaign total, they never expected the surprise that awaited them. Executive Director Kelly Gilson, along with the assistance of Campaign Chair Steve Halyk and Board of Directors President Sharon Dykstra, revealed that $1,083,30.00 was raised in the 2011 campaign; coming in just shy of their $1.1 million goal. Little did they know that Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada (TMMC) wanted to ensure their goal was reached. Ricardo DeSouza, General Manager of TMMC Woodstock and United Way Board Member, says when the senior management learned of the gap between the campaign goal and total raised, they wanted to eliminate it; ?when the gap was identified to our Toyota members today when it came in, our senior management made it happen. This really exemplifies the Toyota commitment to our community. They really closed the gap?. After the reveal, members from TMMC stepped up placing pieces of paper over the original totals to show a new total of $1,100,000. Gilson said she ?so didn't see that coming! We've worked with so many through the Fall to get to 1.1 (million dollars) and we really were so close and we were celebrating that because it was a tough year and close was great. But then to have TMMC step up to actual ensure we hit goal was such a great surprise this evening?. Halyk, who has acted as the Campaign Chair for two years said his time as Chair has been great and he has had an unbelievable amount of support. He said the experience has been ?heartwarming?. According to Gilson, volunteers have already started allocating the dollars, meeting with Member Agencies and reviewing applications. She says they are also working on some other community initiatives. Through the night, awards were handed out to a number of businesses, organizations and individuals to recognize them for efforts in helping the United Way of Oxford reach their goal. Here is a full list of the winners from the 2011 Campaign Touchdown Celebration: Corporate Support Award TMMC (Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada) Guarantee Company of North America Joint Labour & Management Award GM/CAMI Assembly Plant & CAW Local 88 Count of Oxford New Campaign Award Town of Tillsonburg Quantum Leap Award Steelcraft Inc. Outstanding ECC (Employee Campaign Coordinator) Bonnie Lowes ? WGH Lindsay Vyse ? Fusion Youth Centre Outstanding Canvasser Team GM/CAMI Assembly Plant & CAW Local 88 Woodstock General Hospital Media Appreciation 104.7 Heart FM Sentinel Review Rogers TV Special Appreciation Boston Pizza ? Woodstock Forvan Technology Services Inc. Award of Excellence TMMC (Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada)

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