Police say they were called out to 879 domestic occurrences in Woodstock in the last year, and over 1500 in the county.
WOODSTOCK - Domestic violence continues to be a serious problem in Woodstock and Oxford County.
Last year police in Woodstock responded to 879 domestic occurrences which works out to an average of 2 a day. They also responded to 97 occurrences where there were actually criminal charges laid. Sergeant and Domestic Violence Coordinator with Woodstock Police Elaina Taylor tells Heart FM most of the charges were against men.
"Of those occurrences, we had 88 males charged where there were female victims, 11 females charged where there was a male victim, and we had one male charged in a same sex relationship."
In Oxford County in 2014 police responded to 1,739 domestic occurrences which works out to 145 a month and 273 charges were laid. Taylor says two investigations are launched when they are called to a domestic.
"As well as the police conducting a police investigation we also have a safety investigation which is launched at the same time and our community partners are very much involved and very much a part of that piece. Some of the agencies we work with are VASOC which are Victims Assistance Services of Oxford County. They actually work out of the police station here in Woodstock and the Ingersoll OPP office and they can offer immediate 24/7 response to persons providing them with assistance and they have a lot of programs they can offer. Also Domestic Abuse Services Oxford or DASO, they are able to provide a lot of services to people in the city. We have INGAMO Homes which is second stage housing, we have the family bounce counselling program which offers counselling 1 on 1 and group. We have the Canadian Mental Health Association that assist. Children's Aid also helps and we have the crown's office and the victim witness assistance program."
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