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Don McKay Awaits Liberal Party Announcement

The former Warden of Oxford County has put forth his name to represent Oxford County as the Liberal Party candidate

OXFORD COUNTY - Oxford County may have a Liberal Party candidate before the end of the week. 

Mayor of East Zorra Tavistock, Don McKay, has entered the race to become the candidate for the federal election on October 19th.  McKay spoke with Heart FM about what he plans on doing if chosen for the role.  "Well I'm very concerned about the direction of our national economy, and Oxford seems to be a strong part of that.  I am willing to bring my 18 years of municipal experience to the forefront and to ensure manufacturing gets some attention, that we could actually participate in making Canada the strongest country that it can be."  Agriculture would be the focus point around his campaign with putting an emphasis on manufacturing.

As other political parties have begun to fill the roadsides with their campaign signs the group led by Justin Trudeau have found it challenging to pick the right candidate for Oxford County.  McKay would like to have his voice heard and that was what led him to throw his name into the ring.  "Well we are just waiting for the green light from the Liberal Party.  The role that I can bring is a stronger voice, especially on the agriculture portfolio.  It needs to not just have people advising, but people on the front lines in the seats of the House of Commons that know and understand agriculture, it's important to the foundation of our economy."  As news broke today that Canada has fallen into a recession McKay is very concerned about the direction of our economy.

As the county has been conservative run for over a decade, McKay knows he can use his strong agricultural background and assist those in the community.  "That is where the primary jobs are, that is where people live, and that's where they draw their daily nutrition from we need to focus on that equally.  Local manufacturing has lost its way, so we need some attention to bring that back, and say this man has served us well and that they would have confidence that I will serve them well in Ottawa." 

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