Suddenly changing direction as you approach a R.I.D.E. Program will more than likely draw police attention even more.
With so many R.I.D.E. programs cropping up, police are reminding motorists that attempting to dodge the checks is not the way to go.
Stratford Police Inspector Sam Theocharis says they recently dealt with a driver who attempted to give them the slip, but thankfully it doesn't happen that often. "For us it's infrequent locations where we're at. I know when we do our major shut downs of streets there's vehicles turning off into malls and different businesses but when we're on a quieter street and we see something like that it tweaks our interest. And again it doesn't happen often."
Inspector Theocharis says if they notice a car quickly change direction when approaching a R.I.D.E. check, it sends up a red flag. "At the end of the day if you're trying to dodge a R.I.D.E. you're up to no good. Whether it's alcohol related or something else. So in this case it was an alcohol related issue and the individuals were stopped."
R.I.D.E. programs are set up in the interest of public safety. Inspector Theocharis says for the most part the message seems to be getting through. "The numbers fluctuate yearly; sometimes they're up, sometimes they're down but again we do not want to arrest people for alcohol related offences, that's our goal. But unfortunately we have to maintain a zero tolerance when it comes to offences like this and there will be no breaks, you will be arrested."
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