Early bird tickets for the 2017 Golden Gala are on sale for $120 and can be purchased until January 15th.
WOODSTOCK - A night of dinner, dancing, and fun will help raise money for three local organizations.
Tickets for the 2017 Century 21 Golden Gala are on sale now, and Organizer David Hilderly is proud to pass the funds along to organizations that truly need it.
"This year we are supporting the MS Society of Oxford, we are supporting the Southgate Centre for seniors, and we are also supporting our corporate sponsors which is Easter Seals of Ontario. All the money does stay in Oxford County."
Hilderly says this is a can't miss event.
"Great night out, lots of fun, beautiful music, it's always fun, fun, fun. High energy and the food from La Cantina is amazing - it's going to be great again this year. So it's a total date night."
If you purchase your tickets before January 15th there is a special early bird price of $120.
Tickets can be bought at the Century 21 office, Southgate Centre, or Meridian Credit Union.
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