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East Zorra Tavistock Resident Surveys

The Township is asking for feedback from residents in regards to 3 items

EAST ZORRA TAVISTOCK - The Township of East Zorra Township is reaching out to the public. 

Residents that fall within the boundaries are being asked to fill out 3 separate surveys to assist Council.  Corporate Services Manager Will Jaques provides an outline on what items the public will be asked to take part in.  "We have a feedback survey on traffic issues right now that have been brought to our attention in Innerkip, we are currently looking at our current office hours versus what other folks might want to see for office hours, and we are looking at whether or not residents would see benefit in having council meetings on video or webcasted."

Jaques explains this isn't the first time the township has undergone the survey method.  "We had a survey completed for the future of dog tags but since that point we've thought that this might be a way to look at that type of approach again.  Getting feedback from the public will help towards making a decision, as part of the decision. Obviously, all these survey items will simply be tools for council to make the decision."

The surveys are now ready to be filled out by East Zorra Tavistock residents and Jaques knows the importance of completing these surveys.  "If people can complete the survey, get it back to us on time that will help us get information to council for council to make a decision.  It is simply an additional tool to assist council with their decision making processes."  They are hoping to see full resident participation as this could really sway council's vote.  Two of the surveys are being asked to be completed by October 11th while the other is for September 27th.  The following link takes you to where you can fill out the surveys http://ezt.ca/Newsroom/EaZy-Thoughts

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