The Every Child Matters flag will be raised outside the Oxford County Administration Building this morning, ahead of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation this Saturday.
WOODSTOCK - The public is being invited to a flag raising honouring those impacted by the residential school system.
The Indigenous Solidarity & Awareness Network of Oxford (ISAN) and Oxford County will be marking the event starting at 9:30 a.m. today. Patricia Marshal, Founder/Director, of ISAN Oxford, and County Warden Marcus Ryan, are expected to raise the Every Child Matters flag at the County Administration Building.
Organizers say the flag raising also recognizes the 60s Millennial Scoops, in which large numbers of young Indigenous were brought into this country's child welfare system.
ISAN-Oxford is a collaborative, not-for-profit network comprising Indigenous, mixed heritage, and non-Indigenous allies with the common goal of actively working towards truth and reconciliation in Oxford County.
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