Residents in Delhi will soon be connected to Execulink's Fibre to the Home network.
WOODSTOCK -- Execulink is expanding their fibre-optic network to Delhi.
Their future-proof technology, Fibre to the Home will give residents in the town state-of-the-art High Speed Internet, Voice and Television services.
The telecommunications company have recently brought this service to Norwich and Otterville and according to Market and Public Relations Manger, Karen Chalmers, they felt it was time to expand further south. "We've been in the Norfolk County area for 110 years so we have a lot of clients in that area and it was a good logical step for us to build the fibre down from Otterville. Plus, we know that people in this area are really craving higher-speed internet services."
Chalmers says work has started in Delhi -- fibre lines are buried, which means they're more reliable and not affected by inclement weather. "So we're doing area one which we're calling area purple, then there's four other areas that will be subsequent to that so it will take quite some time to actually build the fibre lines directly to the house but different areas of town will see service probably within the year or so."
Execulink, who recently relocated their Corporate Office to Woodstock will open an office in Delhi (at 553 James Street) to support residents with information and scheduling of installations.
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