Operation Sharing's Extended Family Project is looking for local businesses and corporations to step up and help give back to the community.
WOODSTOCK - Operation Sharing's Extended Family Project is hoping to pair local business with charitable organizations in our community.
They are hoping to build on the success of the pairing the EFP did with Owl Distribution and Indwell. Owl employees volunteer with Indwell for anything from moving residents of the Indwell Blossom Park facility to its Harvey Woods apartments to attending tea time socials with the residents. So far, about 30 people from OWL have volunteered with Indwell. OWL lets its employees help out for about an hour a week, on company time.
Assistant program manager at Indwell's Blossom Park and Harvey Woods facilities Chelsea Post says she is shocked with how well the partnership has gone so far.
"That (helping with the move to Harvey Woods) was a big help. They've been a blessing."
Extended Family Project coordinator Eric Schmiedl says he is extremely pleased with the pairing between Indwell and OWL and challenged other companies in the community to step forward for similar pairings. Schmiedl says EFP also helps a variety of people in different ways.
"For example, one Extended Family team of two people has helped teach English as a second language to a Syrian refugee family living in Ingersoll. Other volunteers help a man who has limited mobility with grocery shopping and attending doctor visits."
EFP has won a national award for the City of Woodstock for this innovative concept.
Their aim to is not only to help people in poverty but to give volunteers insight into the world of impoverished people and those with other needs. Schmiedl says they need more organizations to come on board to make this work.
"Volunteers are needed to make Extended Family work. Operation Sharing appreciates the efforts of all our volunteers."
People who wish to volunteer are asked to call 519-539-3361.
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