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EZT Council Will Debate AED Motion

EZT council will look at a motion to support AED's being placed at every school in Ontario including the TVSDB.

EZT - East Zorra Tavistock council will hear a motion to ask the Thames Valley District School Board and all other schools in Ontario carry an Automated External Defibrillator. 

Deputy Mayor Maureen Ralph will bring forth the motion on Wednesday night. Ralph tells Heart FM the story of Andrew Stoddart in Kintore is a harsh reminder of why these life saving machines are so crucial. 

"We had a young man, Andrew Stoddart who in May of 2015 collapsed when he was playing soccer on a field at the Kintore Optimist Park next to the AJ Baker Public School in Kintore. While he was still on the pitch he received CPR from spectators with medical training and he was transported to the hospital but he was later, unfortunately pronounced dead and perhaps if there had of been an AED nearby that his life may have been saved." 

Meanwhile TVDSB Trustee Jake Skinner has tabled a proposal to budget for putting an AED in every elementary and every high school in the TVDSB. 

Skinner already has the support of local MPP's Jeff Yurek and Ernie Hardeman and the Andrew Stoddart Legacy Fund to make this happen. This comes less than a month after Thames Centre Ward 1 Councillor Kelly Elliot and Zorra Councillor Ward 3 Marcus Ryan brought forth a joint motion to their respective councils to put pressure on the TVDSB in hopes of convincing the school board to create policies that would allow for the installation of AED's at all schools.

Skinner says the TVSDB is behind the 8 ball on this particular subject. 

"We are the only school board in Ontario that did not participate in the National Heart and Stroke Foundation program to equip schools with AED's so we got left behind. The truth is the other boards have already done this and so this is just us catching up." 

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