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FESTIVE R.I.D.E Campaign Starts Today

Roaming R.I.D.E checks can pop up anytime and anywhere this time of year as the OPP officially launched their Festive campaign today.

The OPP are launching their FESTIVE R.I.D.E program today.

They will be conducting random roaming ride checks throughout the holiday season until January 2nd. In Ontario 35 people have died this year because of impaired drivers on our roadways and 6 people were killed because of drinking and driving on ATV's. Constable Lisa Naranscik tells Heart FM why you should never drink and drive.

"The biggest deterrent would be that you can kill someone or kill yourself, we don't want that to happen, we want people to make it to their destination safely and not have to go through the fact that they may have killed somebody if they were driving impaired."

Naranchik says they will also being looking for drivers impaired by drugs and is reminding everyone to find a safe alternative home this holiday season. Naranscik says they're is no rhyme or reason as to where they will have the programs set up.

"They could be anywhere, so we do have extra R.I.D.E's, so when people are working their general routine shifts they are doing R.I.D.E's but then we have officers coming in outside of their regular shifts, so they could happen anywhere in Oxford County, on main highways or even on the back roads."

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