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Final Budget Numbers Get Approved For Southwestern Public Health

The Southwestern Public Health's total budget for 2019 comes in at over $18 million dollars.

OXFORD COUNTY - Oxford County Council approved the 2019 budget for Southwestern Public Health.

This year's total budget is $18,145,496, with $12,923,358 being provincially and municipally funded jointly by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care and Oxford County, Elgin County and St.Thomas.  

CEO Cynthia St.John says the budget will be spread across different programs and related services.

"The budget is actually spread out over a number of programs and initiatives. There's healthy community initiatives, chronic disease and injury prevention, there's dental programming, vision screening program for preschoolers. There's vaccine preventable diseases, so immunizations, there's communicable disease follow-up. There's public health inspection work and Smoke Free Ontario, like tobacco work."

St.John says the cost of this year's budget will allow them to create a safe, more secure community.

"I think, first and foremost, we want to meet the demands of the community. So, that's looking at what our client's feedback is about the services they're receiving, it's our partners and making sure we're able to connect with them and jointly delivering joint-programs together. I think this budget is also built on a vision with the end goal in mind, which is to create a healthier community. So it's a lot of protection and prevention, and promotion emphasis."

$348,787 was carried over from the 2018 budget and it will be covered by the Corporate General Reserve.

The total levy for the 2019 budget for the County of Oxford is $2,083,687. 

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