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Final Days Slated for Norwich Barn

The horse barn in the Norwich Community Centre parking lot is facing its final days as council votes to close the doors for good.

NORWICH TOWNSHIP - It's official - the horse barn located in the Norwich Community Centre parking lot will be closing its doors for good. Township council voted to close the barn because it's only running at about 20% capacity and it would cost a lot of money to fix it up.

When the idea of the barn closing first came to council's attention, some community members wanted to try to save it.

Mayor Larry Martin tells Heart FM what these people were willing to do.

"They would like to conduct classes in there and show people how to massage horses, muscle tension and what not. That's great but that still isn't going to pay the bills."

Martin adds it's a shame the barn's legacy has to come to an end, but adds council made the right decision.

"I realize that it is part of our history. It's part of the heritage of the township of Norwich, but at the same time we have to look at and try to be fiscally responsible if we can."

A deputation at council says the barn has been in Norwich for almost 70 years now. 

Horse owners who are renting the barn have until December 31st 2016 to relocate. After that the barn will be demolished to likely add more Community Centre parking spaces.

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