Police are reminding the public about wildlife after 5 crashes with deer in the span of 1 hour.
Nobody was seriously injured after five collisions in the span of one hour in Perth County involving deer.
Police say all five crashes happened between 6 and 7 p.m last night. Some of the deer involved were killed, while others ran off into the bush. While the drivers were left unscathed, their vehicles did suffer significant damage as a result of the collisions. The locations of these collisions were throughout the County with two occurring in the Twp. of Perth East, one in Perth South, one in the Municipality of West Perth and one in the Municipality of North Perth.
Police are reminding motorists that the peak times for deer crossings are in the mornings between 5 am and 7 am and at night between 5 pm and 11 pm.
Driving tips to avoid wildlife:
Watch for deer during early morning or evening hours
Slow down when you notice “deer warning signs”
When safe, use your high beam lights to help light up the road and ditches
Never swerve to miss an animal, stay in control at all times
If you see one deer, there are usually more so…slow down
If you strike an animal, call police
Do not let any animal regardless of size, suffer after you hit it, call police
If you have struck a deer:
Stay calm and pull your vehicle off to the side of the road as far as possible.
Put on 4 way flashers.
Be visible and be aware of other vehicles when outside of your vehicle.
Call 911 if you or your passenger is injured.
If the dollar value of the damage exceeds $2,000 you are required to report the collision to police as soon as possible. Use the non-emergent line 1-888-310-1122.
If you would like to keep the dead deer, you are required to promptly submit a Notice of Possession. This can be completed on line at www.ontario.ca or by visiting a Service Ontario full service location.
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