The City of Woodstock had an official flag raising ceremony yesterday to honour Scouts and Guide Week.
WOODSTOCK - The City of Woodstock had an official flag raising ceremony yesterday to honour Scouts and Guides Week.
Members of the 13th Woodstock and 7th Woodstock Scouts, along with a representative from the Woodstock Girl Guides were on hand for the ceremony. They were joined by Woodstock Mayor Trevor Birtch.
Leader Trevor Henderschott says they do the week in honour of their founders Lord Robert Baden-Powell and Chief Guide Lady Olave Baden-Powell.
"They are a husband and wife, and we do a whole week of celebration for Scout and Guide week because their birthday is on February 22nd, so instead of doing it on one day, we stretch it out over a whole week because you get different nights and different meetings that people have so it's just better to have a whole week of it. It is not just in Canada as well, it's actually worldwide."
Henderschott says they have a few events planned for this week.
"Our big focus is on the Beaver buggies, Scout cars and Scout chucks, which is a big part of what Scouts are all about. The Beavers are putting together the buggies, and the cubs and scouts they get to design what the really want and they have to meet the guidelines of how to actually race these and how they are legal for racing and they get to custom build theme and make them their own."
Henderschott says Scouts and Guides bring happiness into the lives of their friends and neighbours by being good citizens who positively contribute to their communities.
They are always looking for volunteers and new members and you can find more information online here.
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