The safety measure is a common approach highlighted by the Ontario Traffic Manual for intersections with poor visibility.
OXFORD - Safety measures have been put in place at Punkeydoodles Corners.
Due to a fatal collision on October 28 (as well as the other past incidents), Oxford County has installed oversized stop signs and a flashing red light on the stop sign for the northbound approach.
Frank Gross, Manager of Transportation for Oxford County says that the signs and light are just an immediate measure, and that the set of corners will undergo further studies.
Gross also says that the petition that received thousands of signatures was not a factor in the installation.
"We haven't seen the petition. It hasn't been submitted to Oxford County. In light of the collision, we did take another look at that location from some of the safety concerns raised by residents in the area."
The safety measure is a common approach highlighted by the Ontario Traffic Manual for intersections with poor visibility.
Gross wanted to remind everyone that despite the safety measures, drivers still need to be aware of the posted speed limit, be aware of their surroundings, avoid distractions and drive to the weather conditions.
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