Outbreak protocols are in place at the Mitchell Nursing Home after a breakout of Influenza Type A.
MITCHELL - It appears the flu season has come early in Perth County.
The health unit is currently monitoring an influenza A outbreak at the Mitchell Nursing Home. Outbreak protocols are in place at the nursing home and they are working with the health unit to help control the spread of flu. Influenza season typically runs from November to April, however it can be unpredictable, which is proven by this early arrival in Mitchell.
Right now the flu shot is only available to people at a high risk of complications from the flu. Those people include children under 5, seniors over 65, pregnant women, Indigenous people and anyone with a chronic medical condition.
They will have some drop in community clinics at the Spruce Lodge in Stratford on Friday October 28th from 10 am to 4 pm and Thursday November 10th from 10 am to 4 pm.
To protect against the flu and help stop the spread of influenza in the community, the Health Unit advises all residents to take these precautions:
* Wash hands thoroughly and often
* Cough or sneeze into your sleeve
* Keep surfaces and items disinfected
* Stay home if you are sick
* Get a flu shot
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