Woodstock is set to become a solar city. 14 different city owned properties are being looked at for solar panel installation, including the Art Gallery, Library, and Community Complex. The city has Ontario Power Authority Approval for 17 projects, but the Small Business Enterprise Centre (possible move) and Police Headquarters (possible expansion) are being ruled out. City CAO David Creery says the city will be taking a closer look at some of the projects in the next couple of weeks. "There could be fewer installed as we go through the structural analysis and any other approvals that are required. Right now there are about 14. They're all on municipal rooftops or on municipal property." The city has to act quickly, as the OPA approval is only good for 6-months. If all go ahead, it would cost $728,000 to install, coming out of the Hydro Reserve Fund. However, the income would see that paid off in 7-8-years, with the panels generating over $100,000 profit a year until the 20-year contract expires. The city would be getting 54.9 cents/kwh for rooftop solar and 44.5 cents/kwh for ground mount systems. -Woodstock Art Gallery ? roof -Woodstock Cowan Park Soccer ? roof or a solar carport installation with electric vehicle charge -Southside Aquatic Centre ? roof -Woodstock City Hall - Council Chamber and Human Resources roof -Woodstock Community Complex ? Carport in parking lot with solar panels on roof and ebike/vehicle plug-in or a ground mount tracker in open landscaped area in front of complex. -Woodstock Public Library ? lower roof and upper flat roof -Woodstock Public Works ? recycling building roof -Woodstock Fire Department ? Parkinson Road ? ground mount tracker -Woodstock Fire Department ? Vansittart Avenue ? roof -Southside Park ? New storage building- roof -Storm Water Pond Universal/Parkinson - ground mount tracker -Storm Water Pond Keyes Drive ? ground mount tracker -Storm Water Pond Commerce Way 401/403 ? ground mount tracker -Storm Water Pond Commerce Way Pond East ? ground mount tracker