Oxford County Council is getting funds in line to start construction on the new administration building in Salford.
SALFORD - A council approved money transfer will benefit the construction of a new administration building in Salford. Council approved the transfer of $165,000 from the Landfill and Waste Diversion Reserve Fund Wednesday evening.
Warden David Mayberry says the new building will also operate as an education centre for energy efficiency and waste free Oxford County.
"We saw an example of this in Germany a year and a half ago. It was where all the school kids came in and actually learned about waste at their landfill. We thought it was a really good idea and it could be used for a number of purporses so we're going to proceed with that."
The building will be located on the same property as the Salford Waste Management Facility.
Mayberry adds the building will be one of a kind with a net zero design.
"It will be built to such a high efficiency that we'll be able to put some solar panels on it and then be able to provide all of its own energy. We want to make sure that we're thinking about the way buildings will be built in the next few years and this is the one of the first in Canada that will be built this way."
The county will also apply for additional funding from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities in order to help the project.
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