The Future Oxford Team has released their progress report for 2018.
The Future Oxford Team has released their progress report for 2018.
The document is available online and it highlights some of the key achievements we have made over the past year. Member of the Future Oxford Partnership Board Bryan Smith says they have had plenty of achievements this year.
"There were achievements in all three pillars, we had economic achievements, there were certainly a number of things in the community and on the environment side we are quite well known for our achievements."
The 2018 Chair of Future Oxford Randy Peltz says they are proud of the work the partnership has done this year.
"The Future Oxford Partnership had an active and successful year in 2018. We are excited to share and celebrate the achievements of this past year and look forward to continued progress in 2019. I encourage our residents to visit to read our 2018 report and to learn more about the work our own citizens are doing to ensure the future viability and prosperity of our community."
Key 2018 achievements include:
- A Profile of Wellbeing in Oxford County,” a Canadian Index of Wellbeing report that builds on the 2016 Oxford County Community Wellbeing Survey and final report. The profile offers insight into the County’s level of wellbeing and what residents consider to be important relative to other parts of the province and other Canadians.
- Working together to build a stronger workforce & grow economic prosperity in Oxford,” a report that offers a framework to help achieve the economy goals of the Community Sustainability Plan.
- Strides towards zero waste that have inspired local groups and organizations to set their own zero waste goals to help the County achieve its zero waste goal.
- Speaker Series events that allowed residents and businesses to connect with and learn from experts in fields such as electric vehicles, energy-saving programs and sustainable entrepreneurship.
You can read the full report online here.
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