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Garbage Bag Tag Prices to Increase in 2026

Garbage bag tags will cost $3 each as of January 1st, 2026.

OXFORD COUNTY - Oxford County Council has signed off on a price increase for garbage bag tags.

As of January 1st, 2026, the tags will cost $3 each instead $2 each.

This is the first price increase since 2014 and officials say it's due to population growth, fuel, and other inflationary costs. The County also has a user-pay system, so this is how residents pay for their garbage pickup.

If the County were to fund garbage collection through taxes, Warden Marcus Ryan says it would increase the tax levy by almost $5 million.

"Oxford County Council gave careful consideration to the different alternatives for curbside waste collection and supported the best option and pricing available through the County’s competitive process. There is a cost to collect waste collection, and it must be paid either through $3 bag tags or a 5.5% tax increase."

He adds the County is also introducing a green bin organics program over the next few years, 

"With the new organics program rolling out in Oxford, something residents have long asked for, we should also see fewer bags of garbage being set out at the curb. This is the end goal: extending the service life of our landfill and delaying the need for a new one as stewards of our natural environment."

The original motion regarding garbage bag tags was brought to council on February 26th and it requested that the price increase take effect in May of this year. There two votes on the matter, one to defer the decision while staff looked into other options, and one to approve price change. They were both turned down with a split vote of 5-5,  so South-West Oxford Mayor David Mayberry introduced a notice of motion asking council to implement the price increase as of January 2026.

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