Get your hands busy and try some new art forms at the Halls Creek Festival of Creativity
INGERSOLL - The Hall's Creek Festival of Creativity is coming to Ingersoll. This new festival allows you to take part in various activities and unleash your creativity. Mayor of Ingersoll Ted Comiskey outlines what to expect when you arrive. "We have some great festivals here in Ingersoll and Oxford County but this is better! How many of us have sat back and said would I have ever liked to have tried pottery, would I have ever liked to have tried this type of painting; here is the festival. This is going to be able to show you and give a whole broad aspect of the arts." The weekend will be full of hands on projects and is free for those who participate.
Centennial Park in Ingersoll will come alive for the weekend of September 12th and 13th and will feature pottery, live entertainment, and give participants the chance to try various art forms. Mayor Comiskey explains how this came to be and what you could learn. "The development of an art festival kind of mushroomed, it is not just an exposition of an artist's work but it is actually hands on so that these are free work shops. People can get involved with these and it is going to be very interesting. The calibre of artists that are going to be attending are going to be superb." For just two dollars you get into the festival, and then the workshops inside are free of charge.
Mayor Comiskey is hoping this will bring Oxford County closer together. "What we are is a group of villages, but this is one of the functions that could even draw us closer as a community. The idea is the more people we bring into Oxford County the more we see how fantastic this area is. I think that it is just a big welcome to the Halls Creek Festival of Creativity." Comiskey is pleased with the progression the festival has undertaken and is expecting a large crowd for the 2015 event.
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