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Great Pumpkin Rescue Returns!

You can donate your pumpkins from Halloween to the Great Pumpkin Rescue.

OXFORD COUNTY - Now that Halloween is over, lots of people are wondering what to do with their pumpkins.

There is a local group here in Oxford County that is willing to take them off your hands and put them to use.

Founder Bryan Smith tells us about the Great Pumpkin Rescue

"The Pumpkin Rescue idea came from the notion that we don't want food items to be wasted. We don't want it to go to waste because people want to eat and pigs want to eat!"

Smith adds pumpkins should also not be going into a landfill because they produce methane when they start to rot. But he adds they will not be able to accept certain pumpkins.

"All of those decorative things that you might put on them. Don't paint them, don't have metal bits in them because it's not good to eat, and don't have wax from candles in them or the electronic versions of those candles in them. Just make sure that they are actually a pumpkin, a squash or a gourd."

Pumpkins that have been carved and hollowed out (also known as jack-o-lanterns) will be accepted.

Donations can be dropped off at the following locations from now until Wednesday November 6th.

- The Smith’s 70 Glenn Avenue, Sweaburg

- Milky Way Farms, 484872 Sweaburg Rd, Woodstock

- Good Nature Eco Farm, 135148 13th Line, Thamesford

- Tillsonburg Transfer Station, 50 Newell Rd

- Little Hobby Hill Farm, 333624 Plank Line, Salford

- Little Fields Farm, 867207 Township Rd 10, Bright

- Kiwanis’ Community Garden, 108 Wonham Street South, Ingersoll

- Woodstock Farmers’ Market, 875 Nellis St, Woodstock (only on Saturday November 2nd from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.)

- Matt McCutchen & Sam Boyse’s Northlane Farm 662742 Road 66, Banner Rd Thamesford

- Travis Palen’s Farm 345548 Quaker Street, Norwich

- Woodstock Municipal Yard, 944 James St. (between Clarke Street and Springbank Avenue) within the fenced area.

- Greener Pastures Eco-Farm, 774766 Oxford Rd 14, Woodstock

- Rolling Stone Boers, 375158 37th Line Zorra Township

- Sellars Family Farm, 784085 Rd 78. Embro 

- Breezy Lane Farm, 806090 Oxford Road 29, Innerkip

The Plattsville Lions Club will also sponsor a Pumpkin Parade at the Plattsville Ball Diamond today, so kids can donate their pumpkins there.

You can visit the Great Pumpkin Rescue Facebook page for more information.

Bryan Smith stopped by the Heart FM studio to chat with Dan and Marcie on Tuesday October 29th. You can listen to the full interview below:

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