The South Gate Centre will live stream Chilly Charlie's prognostication at 8:10 a.m. today. There's also going to be a drive-thru pancake and sausage breakfast from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
UPDATE: Chilly Charlie did not see his shadow when he emerged from his burrow outside South Gate Centre this morning. This means he is predicting an early spring for Oxford County.
Wiarton Willie predicted an early spring this morning as well. Punxsutawney Phil did see his shadow which means he's predicting another six weeks of winter.
WOODSTOCK - It's Groundhog Day and we're waiting to see if Chilly Charlie will predict an early spring or another six weeks of winter here in Oxford County.
Sarah Sheehan, the Marketing and Communications Manager for South Gate Centre, says they're going to live stream Chilly Charlie's prognostication over Facebook.
"Chilly Charlie emerges at 8:10 a.m. to predict if we're going to have an early spring or six more weeks of winter and it happens at the back of South Gate Centre. Due to the high transmission rate of COVID-19 right now, we're not encouraging any spectators."
If Charlie sees his shadow, he gets spooked and wants to go back into his burrow for another six weeks of winter. If he doesn't see his shadow, he will predict an early spring. Heart FM's Cody Hayward will be on site for the prognostication and he will be calling in to the Heart FM morning show to keep us updated.
Sheehan says South Gate will also be serving up pancakes and sausages this morning.
"Local Roots, which is our on-site food services centre, they will be serving up pancakes and sausages from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. It's a drive-thru event because we're not offering indoor dining at this time."
The breakfast costs $5 per person and South Gate is preparing for about 200 people.
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