Homeowners might be setting up elaborate displays for Halloween night, but the OPP are reminding them to keep it safe.
As you deck your house out in all things creepy this Halloween, police are reminding you to make sure you also keep in safe for everyone.
OPP Constable Lisa Naranscik says its important to keep the paths clear for those trick or treaters. "It's great that we all want to get involved and have our decorated places, but it's important to make sure the pathways are clear because you will have a lot of pedestrian traffic so make sure there's no obstructions that are going to pose a hazard to the people who are coming to your door for trick or treating."
It's also important those paths stay well lit as well. "It is fun to have that creepy atmosphere, but we do need to ensure that it is safe for them to get from house to house," says Naranscik. "So making sure that the walkways are lit up so people can see where they're walking as well as clear so people aren't tripping over anything."
And after spending all that time carving beautiful pumpkins, Naranscik reminds us that they need to be placed somewhere out of the way. "Also make sure that the pumpkins, if they're lit up by candles - make sure that they have those in a safe area where someone's not going to accidentally knock it down or create some kind of fire hazard. So make sure it's in a safe location."
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