The Ontario Liberals will need two Conservative votes to pass their new wage freeze bill. It doesn't look like one of those votes will be coming from Oxford MPP Ernie Hardeman. While his party has yet to say one way or the other if they'll support the public sector wage freeze bill, Hardeman says he can't support it. "All the public service would be much more supportive of doing something that they knew everybody was helping, everybody was being effected, instead of pitting one against the other." The Liberals current bill excludes municipal workers, including police and fire. Hardeman believes there should be an across the board wage freeze for all provincial workers. "I think an across the board wage freeze for everyone, so we're all treated the same, including MPP's, so we're all part of the solution." Hardeman says an across the board freeze would help save $2-billion towards reducing the provincial deficit. The NDP have said outright they won't support the bill. The Conservatives did help the Liberal's pass Bill 115 which imposed a 2-year wage freeze and strike ban on teachers.