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Have Your Say About The Proposed Intercommunity Bus Service

Until August 21st, you can provide your thoughts on the intercommunity bus service, aimed at connecting Tavistock, Embro and Woodstock.

OXFORD COUNTY - Oxford County is looking to get feedback from the public on a proposed intercommunity bus service. It would service northern Oxford, running as a "fixed stop" loop connecting areas like Tavistock, Embro and Woodstock.

It'll also run with a number of proposed additional on-demand, flex stops. It'll help connect communities and help others be able to get to work, school, medical appointments and access essential services and attend social and recreational activities. It's expected to be financed through the Ontario Gas Tax transit funding, as well as ticket sales and possible investments and contributions by employers benefiting from the service.

There will be some taxpayer costs applied through a municipal tax levy. The County says based on current estimates, the cost of the service will be: - An increase to your base municipal property taxes of between $0.25 (25 cents) and $0.50 (50 cents) per household for all of Oxford County
- An additional increase of between $2.50 and $3.00 per household only for those who live in Blandford-Blenheim, East Zorra-Tavistock and Zorra
- One-time funding contribution from Oxford County’s already-approved 2020 budget for intercommunity transportation to cover transit program start-up costs, including the purchase of a new bus.

You can submit your response from now up to August 21st. Residents can give their feedback by taking a public survey online or if you're a part of the economy, you can take the business community survey.

You can also provide feedback on fixed (set) and flex stops through their interactive map. 

You can also email Laura Hamulecki at lhamulecki@oxfordcounty.ca or mail your input to her at the following address: 21 Reeve Street, PO Box 1614, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7Y3.

There will also be a public meeting held in August and to watch for updates as it may be held online. If the proposed service were to be approved, it would begin operating in April 2021.

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