OPP issue tips to follow so nobody breaks into your home this summer
OXFORD COUNTY - Plenty of people in Oxford County will be heading on vacation this summer but security measures need to be undergone on your home before you head to the lake. After recent break and enters throughout the area OPP have issued tips in order to make sure one unlocked window doesn't lead to a disaster. OPP Police Constable Ed Sanchuk wants residents to notify neighbours if they plan to leave and to be on the lookout for unfamiliar vehicles or activity. "If you see suspicious vehicles or suspicious behaviour you want to make sure you try and obtain a description of the individuals. The best description possible age, male or female, height, weight but we don't want people to put themselves in harms way. Call the police and let us investigate that, but if people happen to get that licence plate, description of the vehicle, and last known direction that greatly assists our investigation."
As we enter the dog days of summer and many around the county trade their spot at a desk for a lawn chair around a camp fire unwanted visitors could be breaking into your home. Constable Sanchuk explains if this is a popular time for B and E's around the area and how one woman learned her lesson for leaving a door unlocked. "It varies throughout the course of the year depending on situations that arise. We just recently had a break and enter where a female woke up with a naked man standing beside her bed. We want to make sure we reach out to all of our citizens across the province of Ontario to make sure that they lock all of their doors and to be aware of your surroundings 100% of the time."
Other home security tips that have been issued are never leave your valuables in plain sight and don't let mail pile up in your mailbox or on your doorstep. Constable Sanchuk outlines another tip homeowners can partake in to reduce the threat of thieves is to trim back your bushes and trees. "Trimming your landscape around your house is extremely important. You want to make sure that it doesn't give anyone the opportunity to have a hiding place away from the public so that they can see you home. It is worthwhile getting out and trimming your bushes back and making sure and double checking those windows and checking the locks on all of your windows surrounding your home." More security tips offered included not leaving a spare key outside and making sure all outer lights are operational to deter thieves from sneaking up.
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