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I Am Enough Coming to Thistle Theatre

Photo Credit: Sherry Garner - I Am Enough Cabaret Facebook page

The musical cabaret fundraiser will shine a light on mental health in the farming community.

EMBRO - A musical cabaret fundraiser is making its way to Embro.

I Am Enough is a blend of storytelling, music and mental health advocacy and it will be coming to Embro Town Hall next month.

There will be three total shows over April 11th and 12th, and you will be seeing a show written and co-created by Sherry Garner and Marcia Kash, with original music and musical direction by Leslie Arden. Garner is originally from Embro, and turned into a professional musical theatre performer.

The money raised from the shows will be kept in Oxford County and directly support Agricultural Wellness Ontario, helping to break the stigma around mental health in the farming community.

Tickets are on sale and can be purchased online.

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