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Immunization Records App

Keeping track of immunization records is now easier with a mobile app.

With Immunization Week wrapping up, many people are looking for an easier way to keep track of their vaccine records - and now there is a way to keep records handy on the go. 

ImmunizeCA is a free app that will keep track of the user's immunization records and even issue reminders when it's time to get a booster. The app also provides up to date, expert approved, information about many different kinds of vaccines, and any important notices for the user's province or territory.

Oxford County's Supervisor of Public Health, Joanne Andrews said its important for residents to keep track of their records,"I think it is common for people to forget about getting their booster, or to be not aware of when they received a booster."

"If they do need to go to the emergency room because they've had a cut, often that booster is offered depending on the type of injury they have. It is important for people to know when they got their last booster so they know if they are protected, or whether they are due to receive a dose."

ImmunizeCA is available through the App Store, Google Play, and Blackberry World.

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