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Improv Class Coming To ITOPA

The Ingersoll Theatre of Performing Arts is launching a new improv course called "Laugh and Learn". No experience is needed to join the class.

INGERSOLL - The ITOPA Theatre will be hosting a 16 week long improv course.

"Laugh and Learn" is a comedy improv class is for everyone who wants to join and requires no acting experience.

The Director of this program a veteran actor and director.

Publicity Director Jim Konopetski says veteran actor and director will be Liane Gregory-Sterritt.

"She is a graduate of the Second City master class of improv and has been teaching improv and acting for many years now, she put together a program I participated in at St. Mary's, and it was a wonderful experience it was a lot of fun. I learned a lot about confidence and how to handle myself in situations that weren't improv and how to think on my feet and I got a tremendous benefit from it."

They will be doing a lot of the games and situations made famous by the show "Whose Line is It Anyways."

Gregory-Sterritt explains why she believes this course and others like it are so important even off the stage.

"Developing and teaching this course is one of the loves of my life, it’s a real mash-up of life skills and improv skills. When students tell me that it’s improved family relationships, made their work stress more bearable and boosted their self-confidence, I find it so very rewarding."

The course will build your confidence, and learning how to build a scene with others. The course will end with two fun nights of improv performed by the students in front of an audience.

Registration opened on September 23rd and it closes on November 1st.

Konopetski says that after the course is over, they will be doing a couple of feature shows in front of an audience.

"There will be two shows at the end of the course on February 28th and 29th and they will be performed on stage at ITOPA Theatre."

The first class of ITOPA's Laugh and Learn will be on November 4th. For those who are interested in joining the program, you can register online here. 

To learn more information about Laugh & Learn or ITOPA, you can contact Liane Gregory-Sterritt at 226-919-5451 or by email at liane.gregory@rogers.com, or Konopetski at 519-859-1003 or by email at jkonopetski@yahoo.ca.

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